Lahore Smog Alert : People Of Lahore Breathing in 1000 AQI Air Quality Index

Everyone has a right to breath except the People of Lahore.

The Quality of Air (AQI) Record in Lahore is 1100 AQI due to Smog on Thursday November 7 which is an Alarming Situation ,Whereas Normal Range of 200 to 300 AQI Consider Normal .Hundereds of People are rushed to the Hospitals complaining with Sore throat,Chest infection,Headache and Burning eyes.Government Annouce to Close the Schools and Colleges for Two Weeks .
Moreover Lahore becomes one of the most polluted city in the world.

What is Smog ?

Smog is the combination of Carbon Mono oxide (CO2),Ozone (O3), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter which is the Mixture of Different Dust Particles and Liquid Droplets that Assembeled with Air.

Symptoms of Smog

1 : Chest Infection

2: Sore Throat

3: Burning Eyes

4: Headache ( Pain Behind Eyes )

5 : Difficulty to Breath


Long term Exposure to Smog can caused Lung Cancer , Cardiac Disease ,Stroke and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) according to WHO .

According to World Health Organization Children ,Elders and Pregnant Women are at Greater Risk Compare to Adults . Whereas the Effect of Smog Vary to Each Person.

Precautions :

1: Avoid Unnecessary Exposure to Outdoor

2: Use Mask

3: Stay Hydrated

4: Do not Smoke

5: Use Air Purifier at Home

6: Seal Windows



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